Wednesday, October 15, 2008

back to basics

A quick post before I go back to my hometown in Laguna. I decided to finally sell my new mobile phone to a dear friend because I am in desperate need of cash for my flight to the other side of the atlantic. It has not been easy for me to decide whether to lose it or keep it but in the end-- I made my decision. Sold. For a good 8 thousand pesos (more than half of how much I bought it for). That's a little sad, but I have to lose some to gain some.

In exchange for the kindness that people has been giving me, I would immediately quit whining about things that could have been, and throw out my window all the non-substantial crap that I keep on talking about. Besides, I have a lot to be thankful for these past few days. I'm grining from ear to ear while I write this.

Watch out for my next blog. Gotta hit the road!

I am taking a long haitus by the way.

1 comment:

She's All That said...

Wow! First sign of optimism here. Peace hehe. Muahugz!